Content Creation Tips to Make Posting Easier​​

You’ve come up with an idea for a really great post. 


You film it, edit it, write the caption, and go to post… 


Not before you watch the video back 47 times, you find something wrong with it on the 3rd watch-through, and by that 47th, you hold yourself back from posting altogether. 


Posting anxiety is so real, and even as a social media manager, I get it often for content I am sharing on my page. 


I’ll let you in on a secret: your content doesn’t have to be perfect to connect with your target audience, but if you want to create content, you can always feel good about posting. It comes down to how you are creating content…


Focus on Lighting

  • Natural light is often the most flattering. Shoot during the golden hours—early morning or late afternoon—when the sunlight is softer and warmer.
  • Experiment with shadows to add depth and interest to your shots.
  • If you live in a basement apartment or just somewhere with little light, try to find a place to film with the most lighting or consider investing in a clip-on light like this one.

Composition is Key

  • I am taking it back to my photography school days with this tip. Apply the rule of thirds: Divide your frame into thirds both horizontally and vertically, placing key elements along these lines or at their intersections. You can create a grid on your phone to make doing this even easier. 
  • Experiment with framing techniques, such as leading lines, symmetry, and framing within the frame, to create visually interesting compositions.

Background Matters

  • Pay attention to the background of your shots. Ensure it complements your subject and doesn’t distract from the main focus.
  • I always try to plan out the area I will shoot content in beforehand to avoid having odd bits and bobs in the background. Look for interesting textures, patterns, or environments that add depth to your shots.

Stable Shots

  • No one likes shakey content. Use a tripod or stabilize your camera. Smooth, stable shots contribute to a more professional and aesthetically pleasing look. This is the tripod I have been loving lately.
  • If you’re shooting handheld, practice steady movements and consider using image stabilization features if your camera/phone has that feature. 

Experiment with Perspectives

  • Change your shooting angles and perspectives. Capture shots from low angles, high angles, or unique vantage points to add visual interest.
  • Don’t be afraid to get close to your subject to highlight details or create an intimate feel.

If even reading these tips makes content creation feel even more overwhelming, let me take it off your plate.